Economics 7310: Monetary Economics I, Fall 2017

7130 Syllabus

7310 Lecture Materials

7310 Presentations



Participants in the 7310 course, Financial Fragility and the Macro-economy, are invited to attend the Cornell/Penn State Macro-economics Workshop, in the Fleming Lecture Room, 226 Weill Hall, Saturday,  September 16, 8:55am to 4:45pm, and Sunday, September 17, 9:00am to 12:15pm. In some years the program has been heavy on finance. This year there is plenty of finance, but much of it is not quite so obvious as such. Please visit the link below for more details:
Here is a link to a BIS Quarterly Review article that Morten Bech and Rod Garrett wrote. It provides a taxonomy of money that includes central bank cryptocurrencies. Please check it out if you are interested.
Please see the attached essay by Federal Bank of Dallas President Rob Kaplan, titled “Impact of Hurricane Harvey and a Discussion of Key Structural Drivers Affecting U.S. Monetary Policy.”