Review of “Public Investment, The Rate of Return, and Optimal Fiscal Policy” by K. Arrow and M. Kurz, Baltimore and London: The John-Hopkins Press, 1970; in The Journal of Finance, Vol. 26(4), September 1971, 1005-1006.
Review of “Optimal Economic Growth: Shifting Finite versus Infinite Horizons” by M. Inagaki, Amsterdam and London: North-Holland, 1970; in Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 9(3), September 1971, 821-822.
Review of “The Costs of Economic Growth” by Ezra J. Mishan, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967; in Journal of Finance, Vol. 24(3), June 1969, 56.
Review of “Cours d’automatique théoretique” by R. Pallu de la Barrière, Paris: Dunod, 1966; in Econometrica, Vol. 36(2), April 1968, 430-431.
Review of “Colloquium on Applications of Mathematics to Economics (Budapest, 1963),” ed. by András Prékopa, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1965; in Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 62(318), June 1967, 708-710.
Review of “Recent Developments in Information and Decision Processes,” ed. by Robert E. Machol and Paul Gray, New York: Macmillan, 1962; in Econometrica, Vol. 32(4), October 1964, 710.
Review of “Elementary Mathematics of Price Theory” by Clark Lee Allen, Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1962; in American Economic Review, Vol. 53(1), March 1963, 176-177.