
  • “Irrelevance of Government Debt Restrictions with Heterogeneous Credit Restrictions,” (with Christian Ghiglino), November 2, 2005.

  • “Further Evidence of the Necessity of Sunspots” (with Rod J. Garratt), Working Paper in Economics 6-93, Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara, April 1993.

  • “Asymmetric Information and Sunspot Equilibria: A Family of Simple Examples” (with Robert J. Aumann and James Peck), Working Paper 88-34, Center for Analytic Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, October 1988. Cited in “Sentiments and Aggregate Demand Fluctuations”, by Jess Benhabib, Pengfei Wang, and Yi Wen, Econometrica, Vol 83, Issue 2, March 2015.

  • “Market Uncertainty: Sunspot Equilibria in Imperfectly Competitive Economies” (with James Peck), Working Paper 85-21, Center for Analytic Research in Economics and the Social Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, July 1985. (This version is more complete than the version in the RES.)

  • “Output Price Indices” (with Franklin M. Fisher), Working Paper #81-05, Center for Analytic Research in Economics and the Social Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February 28, 1981.

  • “The Theory of Price Indices and Subindices for Output and Input Deflation: Progess Report” (with Franklin M. Fisher), Working Paper 79-02, Center for Analytic Research in Economics and the Social Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February 1979.

  • “Monnaie et allocation intertemporelle” [title and abstract in French, text in English] mimeo, Séminaire Roy-Malinvaud, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, November 21, 1977. Forthcoming as a Vintage Unpublished Paper in Macroeconomic Dynamics under the title “Money and Intertemporal Allocation: Sunspots”.

  • “Some Reflections on the Theoretical Underpinnings of Price Indexes of the WPI-Type,” mimeo., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, prepared for the Bureau of Labor Statistics round-table discussion of the industrial price program (held in Washington, D.C. on October 17, 1975), October 3, 1975.

  • “A New Variant of the Educational Opportunity Bank Designed for Stability and Ease of Administration in ‘Small-Scale’ Application” (with Richard Berner and Michael B. Johnson), a report supported by Contract OS-70-155, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C., mimeo., October 1972.

  • “Patterns of Technical Change and Capital Accumulation,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University: Stanford, April 1965. (Supervised by Kenneth J. Arrow and Hirofumi Uzawa.)

  • “Untied Aid and the Balance of Payments” (with Richard N. Cooper), memorandum of the Council of Economic Advisers, mimeo., Washington, D.C., June 1962. This memo is cited and described in the Appendix to Chapter VI of the volume The United States Balance of Payments in 1962 by Emile Despres, Lawrence B. Krause, Alice M. Rivlin, Walter A. Salant, and Lorie Tarshis, The Brookings Institution: Washington D.C., 1963, 275-277.

  • “Some Topics in Modern Decision Theory,” Senior Thesis, Department of Mathematics, Fine Hall Library, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, May 1960. (Supervised by Harold W. Kuhn.)

  • “Integral Solutions to Linear Programs,” Junior Paper, Department of Mathematics, Fine Hall Library, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, May 1959. (Supervised by Ralph E. Gomory.)