Announcement 10/3/2016:
Announcement 9/30/2016:
Announcement 9/27/2016:
- See, especially
- http://www.journals.uchicago.
edu/doi/abs/10.1086/261615? journalCode=jpe - Sign in through Cornell Library
- Sign in through Cornell Library
library/Enc/Bubbles.html - Garber reviews “bubbles” and is skeptical that they have been based on irrationality
- Find other Garber sources on the web.
Announcement 9/26/2016:
The following is a schedule for the upcoming Cornell/Penn State Macroeconomics Conference, which will be held on October 1st and 2nd.
Announcement 9/19/2016:
The proposed in-class prelim dates are as follows:
- Prelim 1: Monday, October 17, 2016
- Prelim 2: Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Additionally, Dr. Shell will be unable to attend lecture or hold office hours on Monday, November 21st. Instead, the course assistants will hold a voluntary question-and-answer session during normal class time.
Announcement 9/16/2016:
On Monday, September 19, we will begin the analysis of overlapping-generations. Here are the readings; the same list can be found in the course syllabus, where the URL’s will take you directly to the articles.
Overlapping Generations:
- Karl Shell & Bruce Smith, “Overlapping-Generations Model and Monetary Economics,” in the New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance (J. Eatwell & P. Newman, eds.) Vol 3, London, Macmillan, (1992) 104-109.
- Paul A. Samuelson, “An Exact Consumption-Loan Model of Interest with or without the Social Contrivance of Money,” Journal of Political Economy,(December 1958) 467-482.
- Karl Shell, “Notes on the Economics of Infinity,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 79(5), (September/October 1971) 1002-1011 Appears in Spanish as “Notas sobre las economias del infinite” (translation by M. Santos), Cuadernos Economics de I.C.E., Vol. (1), (1987) 31-39.
Shell-Smith is merely an introduction.
Samuelson JPE is the classic, genius discovery. In addition to realistic demography, Samuelson introduces (1) money transfers and (2) the unbounded time horizon.
Shell JPE gets to the essence for monetary, macroeconomics. This paper might be the reason the OG (or OLG) is well-known in macro/monetary. It is anti-Ricardo. Pro rational bubbles.